CaféLit magazine

Published in October were:

Gail Aldwin, Jim Bates, Lynn Clement, Dan Corry, Maxine Flam, Barry Garelick, Hamish Hutchinson, Gill James, Leonie Jarrett, Dawn Knox, Mike Lee, Peter Lingard, Clare Martin, Marcia Mc Greevy, Jackie Mc Gregor, Rob Molan, Michael M Pacheco, Jenny Palmer, Charlotte Parsons, Liz Potter, Philippa Rae, Nicola Sheehan, Laura Shell and Dianne Stadhams.

Top performing posts in October were:

Daniel ’ s father was Robert but everyone called him Bob. Daniel had heard many stories from his father as he was growing up; some about W...

·       Robert Louis Stevenson’s Story by Dawn Knox, a bowl of water 117  

Previously: An unusual stranger has shaken up the neighbourhood. Gladys, Elsie, Minnie, Daphne, Cyril, and Gladys’s dog, Robert Louis Stevenson, have all witnessed the exotic man. This is Robert Louis Stevenson’s story…

‘Of course nothing gets shared with us,’ Debbie stage-whispered, ‘We’re just meant to get on with it, minding our own business. Don’t you

  The wind is coming tonight, the flashwall stated in a flat tone. Ellery assumed even AI was fed up with the same thing day after day....

·       My Brother’s Adage by Jim Bates, hot chocolate 64

After my pet hamster Squiggles died, we buried him in the vegetable garden in the backyard. It was summertime in 1935 and Mom said that Squiggles would like it there among the vegetables because he loved lettuce. What did I know? I was five years old.

            “Okay, Mom,” I total her wiping away my tears. “Whatever you say.”


Total hits in August were 77480 quite a bit down on September but very respectable even so. At the time of writing, 6 November we have 6050 so some way to go yet. Keep on sharing.  It does seem that we get most of our hits in the final two weeks of the month.


The Creative Café Project 

I’ve added two cafés this month, both London bases. Again, they are bookshops and naturally they are concerned mainly with books: Phlox Books and Vanilla Black.  Both offer a varety of book events and Phlox also offer writing workshops.